Thursday, February 4, 2016

Independent Component 1

  • (a) Write: “I, Jordan Partida, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 32.5  hours of work.”
    (b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.
    (c) Update your hours in your Senior Project Hours link. Make sure it is clearly labeled with hours for individual sessions as well as total hours.
    (d) Explain what you completed. 

    • I have casted and directed the song NYC from Annie to take to Fullerton Festival in March. NYC is about 5 minutes long and we have focused on harmony's, choreography and costumes because these are all the things that the judges at Fullerton will be looking at. Our rehearsals have been every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4pm since November 20th. There have been a couple hick-ups along the way, having two people drop out and adding two people and myself to the production due to lack of cast. The number is now completely choreographed but is not completely competition ready. I will continue working with this production until Fullerton festival on March 18th and 19th. I presume approximately 15 more hours will be put into this production.
  • Interpretive 
    • My project is theater and Musical theater is just theater on steroids. It is more intense because it is not only acting but acting while singing and dancing. Singing while doing the intense choreography takes a lot of practice which is why we dedicate two days a week for rehearsals. Our original number was sloppy and we were our of breath by the end but now there has been so much improvement with the cast. Our movements are sharp and precise. Every second or rehearsal is spend working hard and doing what needs to be done. We have been working on this number for 4 months now and we plan to spend the next two months doing the exact same thing hoping to make finals at Fullerton this year.
  • Applied 
    • A theater production is a difficult process and nothing has made me realize this more than Annie. Being in charge and directing something so intricate has proven to be a big challenge for me. I have discovered that being a director has made me a better actress because it has allowed me to look at theater from a different perspective. I now recognize that in order to become a good performer you have to understand all aspects of theater which will be my answer two. When I had two people leave my production I had to not only replace them but step in and join the cast which gave me a different perspective. Watching Christine Cummings (mentor) direct the show "NO Exit" really helped my directing Annie. I needed to have a positive relationship with all my actors and listen to their needs and establish a strong communication ability with them. Overall this component has really opened up my eyes to big picture of what really goes into a production. 

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