Thursday, August 20, 2015

Blog 2- Summer Mentorship

Mentorship Log

1. List the contact name, phone number, and organization of the person with whom you volunteered.
         Delacy Ganley, PhD                     Director, Teacher Education Department   
         (909) 621-8076
         Claremont Graduate University: Teacher Education 

         Danielle Centeno                          District Coordinator 
         (909) 607-0861

         Lupe Terriquez
         (909) 607-8076

2. What qualified this person as an expert in your topic choice?     
    Delcay is the head Director of the Teacher Education department. I worked very closely with Delacy as she prepared for incoming International Student/Teachers. Because my original topic was International Education I was helping prepare for the, what the Claremont staff calls "fellows." Delacy is the creator of the TEA program that brings Teachers from foreign countries to Claremont to learn different methods of teachers and technology and other important aspects. While being an intern in the office I also worked very closely with Daniel who is one of the district coordinators at CGU. She works with student teachers in the Induction Program. Working with her showed me a lot of what goes on when someone wants to become a teacher. Matching a student teacher with a Master teacher is a very important process. She was going to help me pick a classroom that I would later Volunteer/ Mentor in once the school year started. Since then my plans for the year have changes. Lastly I worked with Lupe. Lupe is the very sweet receptionist in the Teacher ed. department. Because I was working in the office along side all the busy people I also helped Lupe and the rest of the staff by making copies, printing papers and other office-y stuff.  

3. List three questions for further exploration now that you've completed your summer hours.  
   ( if i were still doing this topic)\
   How do we make International Students feel the most comfortable while staying in the us.
   What can we learn for the international students as well as what they can learn form us?
   How can students benefit from video chatting with students around the world?
4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
   Working in Teacher Education taught me that you really have to love what you do in order to be working nine to five everyday (or spend a year researching) a certain job. The people in this department really do love what they do and enjoy their jobs. Although they are faced with many challenges (outdated computers/ systems, low enrollment, low budgeting, etc.) they all push through everyday to ensure the students in schools today and tomorrow have the best teachers and get the best possible education. I learned that if I want to achieve a certain goal or work on a certain project I need to do it with the attitude and persistence that the staff at the Claremont Graduate University Teacher Education Department have.     

5. What is your senior project topic going to be?  How did mentorship help you make your decision?  Please explain.
   Taking a TOTALLY different direction my senior topic is going to be Improvisational theater. I have contacted a theater professor at Pomona College [ Giovanni Ortega ] who will be my mentor for the school year. While working with these amazing people was a fun, educational and valuable experience, it also made me realize that I am not passionate enough about teaching to go into the field or spend my year researching. I decided to follow my passion for Imporv and I may even narrow (or broaden, I'm not sure which word fits better) my topic to "teaching" improvisational theater. This will allow me to use some of the skills I have learned working with teachers while still focusing on a topic I very much enjoy.