Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection

1.  What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?
I found that Ian Kam's presentation on physical therapy was very helpful to me because, although I was not particularly interested in his topic he still made his presentation very engaging and informational. He captured my attention and kept it throughout the presentation and in the end i enjoyed watching him and even learned some things.
I also really enjoyed Desiree's because she was so passionate about what she was doing. She showed me, and later told me, that in order to do well on your project you have to love what you are doing "Its kinda like life you know, why put so much work and effort into something that you are going to end up hating. Pick something you love and it is no longer a project, its the senior team giving you credit for having fun and doing what you love."
Lastly I loved Ilse's whole lesson. Her presentation, activity, not to mention she has snacks, was just fun and entertaining. She also touched on the education side of things so i was interested in how i could do something similar for my project. Ilse's knew what she was talking about and spoke very confidently. She gain the respect of her viewers and then later gave us all the reason why she choose special education as her topic. That part inspired me to really think deeply about what I want to do and even more importantly why I want to do it. 

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?
Desiree, like a said above, wanted to make sure I knew that it is okay to pick a fun topic and that my topic doesn't have to be a desired career path. What helped me that most is she told me "take your time. You don't have to pick a topic tomorrow. This summer you can get your ten hours easy if you just try a bunch of things that interest you. No one said they all had to come from the same place. By trying a bunch you can later pick the one you feel is the best and then just go with it. DONT be afraid to change your topic. There is time and you are smart. Don't stress yourself out just take a deep breath and have fun. Trust me, I'm Desiree, you got this."

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?
Elementary Education
   -I have always been told I'd make a great teacher. Teaching also runs in my family. I wouldn't mentor with my family but it would make something easier. I like children at the kindergarten to third grade level and can see myself working with them. 
Improvisational Theater
  - Theater is something I have loved for as long as I can remember so when I came to ipoly and discovered the Imporv team i couldn't help myself. Next year will be my third and last year and first year as captain of the Flying Pigs Imporv team. It make me so proud to know that we go and compete. Improv is something I love and it would be amazing if i make a project out of it. 

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).
What is the best way to engage a 6-9 year old in a classroom?
How can a teacher ensure the material being taught will be understood and obtained by his/her audience?
What is the most effective way an improvisational theater team can get though a scene?
How can an imporv team best appeal to their audience?  
5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?
My father works for Claremont Graduate University in the Teacher Education department and he has many co-workers that normally teach in a primary classroom that come and lecture and teach classes on how to become an elementary school teacher. Many of them wouldn't mind is i sat in on these classes and then later worked with them in a class room.